Book Publishing
Bring Your Colleagues Together – in One, Powerful Book!
An anthology book allows you to choose a vital subject – such as leadership, mentorship, or influence – and bring together your colleagues to write about that subject from their unique perspective. Each contributing author gets to tell their story, share their opinions, and declare their insights. Then, as the person who has compiled the book, you then partner with them to create, promote, and distribute the book to your readers, with each one of you using the power of your individual business or ministry platforms to do so.
I’ll take my proven process and success record of writing and marketing anthology books to help you make your anthology book a reality. Learn more and contact me today!
Amanda Goodson Global Publishing
Via her publishing imprint, Amanda Goodson Global, you can receive full book publishing services through Amanda and her team of experts. In addition to book anthologies, she features self-help and how-to books, and creative non-fiction memoirs where you declare your unique and powerful story.